
Before it's gone.

Long time no post here.  Last day of vacation, and a well-spent one. Since all the good pictures are on the camera, which I brought the wrong cord for, no uploading of visuals is possible until we return, technically some time Monday morning.  Much of the next 36 hours will be spent en route.

This is the longest "vacation" (read: vacation weekend-Matt conference at VERY swanky hotel-vacation weekend) we've ever taken as a family and I learned any number of really important things on it in addition to actual relaxation.  Some of them are quite simple.

1) You can never pack enough underwear.
2) The further you are from home, the more helpful it is to know where the emergency room is.
3) Every dessert target-marketed to small children drips, leaks, spurts, or otherwise is not a good match for church clothes. They all still taste good. Jesus still loves my kids when they're sticky (thanks god!).
4) When you are on an island, there is sand. Everywhere. Just deal. It's all good. It will all get back to the ocean someday anyway.
5) When you're a tourist you might as well act like one--this doesn't mean being rude, just that it's okay not to try to act like a local who knows where you are, where you're going, what's cool, where to eat, and so forth.  When in doubt ask. Other people love to be experts.
6) We had a day today for just being. Not doing.  It rocked. Will try to plan a "being day" into future vacations. Went almost nowhere. Did almost nothing. Enjoyed where we were without trying to go anywhere else to see more.  It was nice. Did some laundry which was also most excellent because now we'll have clean clothes to wear our first day home. yay that.

When there are pictures of the incredible journey uploaded, I'll share and get back to posting here. Then maybe I'll start applying some simplicity to the rest of my life so I have more time to blog... :)