
When Matt leaves, chapter two: approximately 3 a.m. every night since Thursday


[from dead sleep] "Ummmm...."

"Mommy? Mama? MOMMMYYY??" Followed by a stream of heartfelt sobs.

"Yes, bug, I'm coming."

Tramp, tramp, tramp.

"Cuddle? Cuddle more?"

I pick her up and try to calm her down. Big heaving sobs, eventually calming down to sniffles.

"Mommy no trip?"

"No, honey, mama's right here."

"Daddy trip?"

"Daddy will be home soon, honey."

"Cuddle Daddy?"

"I bet he would like that too. He will be home very soon."

"No crib? Mama snuggle?"

Big sigh from me. "Okay." I haul her into my room and we snuggle back to sleep until the alarm goes off.


Anonymous said...

Hi bug!
This is from the man who sent your daddy away to trip on rockets. He is very sorry that Daddy is not home yet, but he will be home tomorrow, unless the thingamabob that he designed doesn't actually work, in which case he will have to stay and fix it.

Hi Heather,
I am sorry that his fixing rockets is making it difficult for you to find work out time. May I suggest that you work out at 3:30 AM, since you are up at that time anyway, and this really isn't much on TV at that time anyway, unless, of course, you Tivo'd that Firefly epsisode where Nathan Fillian takes his clothes off, in which case you could watch that.

Heather said...

Mmmmm, Nathan Fillion...

Since the bug is also up then (or I would not be), the extraordinarily late-night/ early-morning workout poses some obstacles. She wiggles too much when I try to bench-press her, although she is an excellent stretching partner and knows downward dog like a little yogini.

Now that Matt has returned from tripping I'll have to lay off the Firefly for the time being (we have the DVD's for easy scene selection purposes), but at least I've got time to run!