
what a cranky girl really wants for Christmas, at the end of the work day

1) People to stop asking me stupid questions and look up the answers themselves. (Many questions aren't stupid. But some are. For example: Don't call me to ask for the phone number at which you just reached me. I am not kidding.)

2) People who don't need me to print out paper copies of electronic files. I weep for the trees' worth of paper that end up in my recycling bin for things that are glanced at, once.

3) People who answer their emails in a timely fashion, say, within two days.

4) People who read my WHOLE email message and answer BOTH of my questions the first time before hitting "reply." (When is the meeting? Where is it?)

5) People who read my blog to have a fabulous holiday season filled with non-irritating good stuff.

See, even cranky girls are people who need people. :)

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