
What's cooking?

We've been up to a lot the last few weeks. My assistant cook is now an expert at measuring flour (particularly onto the floor) and at dumping ingredients into the big bowl. Quote: "I do it do it myself. I make Mama pancakes." No matter what we're actually cooking, which in this case was oatmeal raisin cookies. She also has strong opinions on how many raisins should go into oatmeal raisin cookies--"lots and lots"--and how many eggs should be part of the recipe--"Just one, mama. Gooey. Can I crack it?" Um, no. I like my cookies eggshell-free, so we'll be working on that technique in the months ahead. Can't train a sous-chef all at once, you know.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Very cute. Lily enjoys watching me cook and bake too. She likes to use a spoon and bowl to mix things. Things being air at this stage of life but soon we'll move on to her actually helping me.