
Danskin race report, part II.

So much for self-perception. Or else, something weird with their timing equipment? Who knows. To the results...

Anyway, my swim was a good minute slower than last year. This seems very odd as last year I stopped to rest twice and did large chunks as a slow backstroke; this year I didn't stop at all and mostly did freestyle... oh, well. 21:22, compared with last year's 20:20. I've swum that distance in the pool right around 18 minutes on multiple occasions, so I'm pretty surprised frankly.

Bike: 47:06, to last year's 44:10. Not surprised--the chain fixing must have taken longer than I thought and it was a bit hillier.

Run: 28:49, almost two minutes off last year's time. Still over three minutes slower than my best 5K time when I'm not doing a triathlon, but maybe this is one sport where my base-building is starting to pay off. Much faster than I thought.

And I cut 25 seconds off my first transition compared to last year, and 41 seconds off my second. So, not as much general lollygagging. :)


Bolder said...

good job Heather!

(did i sound real Boulder there?)

only problem i had with TB, was that it conflicted with Danskin... i would have really liked to go and volunteer...

thanks as always for reading my blog, and your generous comments!


meredith said...

Congratulations! Your times may not be quite what you had hoped, but they're certainly something to be proud of. :)