This blog could use an FAQ's section regarding my recent post on job applications, so to answer the most popular questions of the last few weeks:
1. Matt and I remain happily married, and we're not planning to move unless there is something great for both of us wherever we're going. I am not moving anywhere by myself, or taking the bug with, or anything like that. The Beasley family unit plans to remain a three-part unit, and we'd probably both quit and work at Starbucks before trying to live in different cities for career reasons. Thanks for your concern, everyone.
2. Yes, Notre Dame is on the other side of Chicago. This may be inconvenient but it is still a great Catholic school and their current position is basically my dream job so I just had to see if I could even get an interview.
3. Yes, Utah is dominantly Mormon. The University of Utah is not, however, and they may have something really cool for Matt, so we'll see what happens.
4. We love Colorado. We don't want to move. The job market just had some really unusual and neat opportunities this year that we didn't want to let slip by without throwing our hats in the ring. We like the school where we work, we love the proximity to friends and family, and it will take something truly great to make us consider packing up and moving one more time. We really, really don't want to move. Really.
All right, FAQ's aside: I have one application left to put together that's due in early December; Matt's last one goes out today I believe. Then we can truly enjoy turkey day next week. I hope you all have plans for Thanksgiving that make you happy, too.
Anyone know about any holiday 5K's happening around Boulder/ Denver in the next few weeks, post-11/25? I'd like a chance to run off some of the holiday calories if anyone else is up for it.
1 comment:
hey Heather aka Awk, following up with you and everyone on your offer for help!
the blog is up here:
we are working through the name, and a graphic design... have a look!
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