
The Zoo! The Zoo!

And on the nth day after the trip, lo and behold, there were zoo pictures. We went with some friends who were celebrating their two-year-old's birthday, and much merriment and enriching animal experiences were had by all.

Matt and the bug took turns feeding the lorakeets with nectar in one exhibit:

Bug also went on her first carousel ride, but all the pictures from that episode turned out too blurry to be useful for documentary footage. The flamingoes were also a point of interest:

The spider monkeys were probably the biggest hit, especially since their viewing area was in the shade. As the day got quite hot, we only covered about half the zoo and will have to return for a future visit. Thanks to Carolyn and Andrew for inviting us--it was a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Finn said...

Downside: Lorikeets poop a lot right after they eat.

Upside: A critter that mostly eats nectar has very benign poop.