
Bug entry, stardate 10.4.08.

I'm sending a big email. No, not that kind of email. A different kind of email. I want to blog. Mom, I have to type it. I will try.

vniey4687yn7n5n785yy7u8yttunyiujtnigujorgoutjrdli hbbifhgiuyhrtunfknesr4feshiuysfsdshrhdfu

How do you cross out? How do you get away the line? Delete it?

Oh, that button is how you do it.

I want to write something and you're not letting me to. You're not being nice. This is not yours.

[time out threatened] Oh, okay.

crocodile. stop picture.


I'm spelling more words after crocodile and mouse. I want you to help me spell them. Up there where we already typed.

Mom, I don't want to think about the words before I type them. I want my own blog where I don't have to do what you say. Or think.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Cute entry from the bug.

Just to let you know...I tagged you. :)