She climbed higher than anyone else on the climbing wall, and although she didn't even notice at the time, I was proud of her. Here are a few shots of Spidergirl in action:

The white line is the one-story mark; she got her feet just above it before she came back down. We are DEFINITELY taking her there again on a non-weekend-busy day, and I'm going to climb with her:

And here is a (slightly damp and probably fuzzy) shot of the splash playground, where they all ran themselves silly and soaked us by pulling on ropes tied to firehoses:
Particular time was spent on the pirate slide, which the bug and her friends definitely enjoyed:
The party was at the local recreation center, and the staff were great with the kids, friendly and patient, even when all seven of them had to wait in line for almost half an hour before getting to the climbing wall. Go team Montessori kids, is what I have to say about that--they were very well-behaved (to a practically miraculous level) in spite of the initial wait to climb. They had a blast! It was a really great birthday, according to the bug, who is currently using one of her multiple art-supply gifts while I type.
The polliwog also attended but besides eating Pirate Booty had little to contribute, as Matt kept him home through nap, which ended after the party started. Then we made the executive decision not to let him into the pool, as I could be responsible for seven bug-aged kids, or one polliwog, and the ratio of polliwog-to-adult would not have changed if Matt had joined me in the pool. He didn't mind at all and seemed to enjoy watching the older kids splash around, having spent many hours watching the bug's swim lessons from a similar perspective.
I am having some difficulty believing the bug is actually five, but I'll get there. It doesn't seem like a real number yet but she's certainly ready for it.
Next year, let's rent sumo costumes and let 'em wrestle.
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