
So good.

The Medium Chill

This week the T-bird spent about 48 hours in the hospital. We're all still bouncing back in terms of work, housework, sleep, and general sociability. Good things have happened--he is home, he is on the mend, we are all breathing, we have friends in town visiting, and Miranda saw her first professional play at the Shakespeare Festival with me--but right now I'm still spending my last fifteen minutes of downtime on surfing the web.

And this article is about a philosophy too attractive not to contemplate. We have already integrated parts of it into our lives, but haven't articulated it this thoroughly in explicit terms.

So much is happening at all kinds of levels that I need to process. Our archbishop is changing archdioceses--that will be a big deal around here depending on his replacement, and will mean interesting things ahead for Philly where I used to live. I've got an essay on the Tea Party and religion in America due in a few weeks. I'm taking an intensive French-for-scholarly-reading class that is kicking my butt in terms of homework and comprehension, and I'm trying to decide how best to pursue learning to speak and listen to it once this class is over. LiveMocha has been recommended by a few friends so I will look into that and Rosetta Stone.

It's because I have too much too say that it's probably better for me to take a break until my mind quiets down enough to focus on a single topic. But do check out the article, and comment if you like it.

1 comment:

Staci said...

I love the article! I shared it on FB - but forgot to credit you. Sorry. Thanks for sharing it! I love the word satisficing. I feel like that's pretty much our whole life. And I'm happy with that.

And I'm very curious to see where things head with Archbiship Chaput's transfer and replacement.