
Meme of the day

Thanks to Staci for today's subject matter. Contribute your own answers in the comments, or link to your own blog if you'd rather post your answers there for your usual readers.

Four jobs I have held:
1. Calculus tutor
2. Independent coffeehouse barista
3. Waitress in a Mexican restaurant
4. Children's indoor playground supervisor

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Bend it Like Beckham
2. The Princess Bride
3. Shrek
4. Men in Black

Four places I have lived:
1. South Sioux City, Nebraska
2. Omaha, Nebraska
3. Haverford, Pennsylvania
4. Boulder, Colorado

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Baked potato with sour cream and cheddar cheese
2. Zucchini
3. Fresh-baked french bread
4. Raspberries out of our backyard

Four places I would rather be:
1. Hiking with my family
2. In Omaha, hanging out with family especially my nephews--hi, guys!
3. London, this time without the mysterious illness so I could enjoy it.
4. New York City, to see some great new shows

Four friends I think will respond:
Well, Staci's out since I got the meme from her in the first place, so I'll just keep an eye on the comments to see who answers!

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