
quick miscellany

The freshmen have arrived. I really WAS that young once. Dude.

An addendum to the Muddy Buddy race report: a guy standing next to me at our wave start asked where I was from. Turns out he and his girlfriend were visiting the U.S. from Germany, and they saw the race on the Internet. They asked around Boulder, and were told it was a great thing to do to "get what Coloradoans are all about." He said they'd never seen so many great-looking fun people in one place, and wished us all good luck. Talk about positive international relations! I hope they had as much fun as we did.

Note the additional blogs listed on my sidebar if you haven't in the past. I'll be adding more on various topics in days to come.


Anonymous said...

Fun story! Muddy Buddy really was an amazing exhibition of Boulder hardbodies.

My favorite competitor story this year is the woman Heather, Denise, and I encountered at the Danskin Tri who was celebrating the recent loss of 150 lbs. Now that is an achievement to be proud of!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that they chose Boulder to visit - now they can go back home to Europe and say, no really: Americans are all in really great shape!

I'm glad you're telling Muddy Buddy stories, I was hoping you guys had fun too. Jodi said she and Pasquale enjoyed themselves, but it reminded her just how long it had been since basic training!