
midweek blues

Wednesday morning always feels as though the weekend could not possibly be further away. The bug was down with a cold late this weekend, so I spent Monday afternoon at home with her. She was a sheer delight after some cold medication and an unusually long nap. We made balls and snakes out of Play-Doh, watched some cartoons, and had snack while cuddling. Many more of my days should be spent like this: productive work in the morning, mama-daughter time in the afternoon, family time at night. I really need to find a job that's 75% time or so before too long or I'm going to miss even more of the bug's toddlerhood.

She's feeling much better today, especially when compared with her mama. I seem to have acquired her mild head cold and the accompanying bad attitude. Any of you have suggestions about how to banish the midweek blues?


Staci said...

I recommend not working at all on Thursdays. That makes the weekend feel much nearer. :) But that goes back to your first paragraph about finding part time work...

Sorry about the head cold, but the afternoon cuddling sounds nice.

Jenni said...

My suggestion to banish the midweek blues...sedation, in the form of wine or Tylenol cold. :)