
The plague, part II.

So after a sleepless, cough-filled night, the bug and I set out to the doctor's yesterday with my kind and slightly less ill husband as our sole reliable driver.

Turns out we both have sinus infections with complications. Her complication involves double ear infections. Mine involves my lymph system--as I learned to my surprise yesterday, sinus infections can make one's blood pressure drop significantly.

So there are many drugs now coursing through our veins, and many bacteria are hopefully dying cruel and vicious deaths even as I write.

I'm perversely glad that I wasn't just being whiny about having a cold. And also that I will presumably have more interesting subjects to write about by next week when we're all recovered.


Jenni said...

Yay for antibiotics! Sorry to hear the bug was hit with a sinus infection and double ear infections. Poor thing.

Staci said...

Ooh. Poor Bug. And you, too, of course. But double ear infection... wow. Instant forgiveness for any fussiness over the past few days, eh?

Heather said...

It's amazing how, no matter how sick I get, her being sick is always always worse. She is doing so much better by today that she's really herself again and I am so glad. You'd think I'd have learned by now that when she's fussy for an extended time period something is probably wrong...still getting the hang of the parental diagnosis. Next time I'll be quicker on the draw. :)

Finn said...

I would like to state for the record: Who KNEW she had double ear infections. I just thought it was more of being two.

Personally, I find gin a fantastic substitute for antibiotics. And more tasty.