
The plague.

Just when I thought it might be over...I still have it.

The bug has it, complete with multicolored constant mucus.

My husband has it, in the "now with visceral hacking effects!" special edition.

My friends all seem to have it, to be getting over it, or just starting to get it.

It's a nasty, coldlike, sink-into-your-sinuses, eye-gunky dry-coughing middle-of-the-night-waking craptacularity.

Seriously, I haven't felt truly physically healthy in a month. Neither has anyone else I know, although we've had our share of occasional good days.

Now, I'm not saying the terrorists have won. I'm just thinking...a truly thorough coldlike disease that never goes away is really, really demoralizing. Bad for workouts and for blog posting alike.


deNile said...

I blame the snow. Its time for it to go (and the cycling to resume).

All in all I think I'm finally over the cold of doom. There is light at the END of the tunnel (its not just the rest of us turning around).

Jenni said...

When I was at my worst I realized I take my health for granted too much. I was happily suprised this morning when I realized I slept with my mouth closed! My teeth didn't have that yucky sick layer!

Hang in there!

Staci said...

I thought I was totally done. I've been feeling great for a full week. Now this morning I can only breathe through one nostril again... argh.