
And so it begins.

The first Democratic candidate debate is tonight on MSNBC. We don't get cable, so I won't get to watch, but I have checked out a few websites on the subject.

I found this quiz on one of the local websites, near South Carolina State University where the debate is taking place:

Which candidate matches your views?

Unsurprisingly, my answers matched most closely with "No candidate holds this position." I have the same problem in surveying the Republican candidate field. Every election, so far, really. No candidates usually share my mix of views.

"No candidate" replies were followed by several positions I apparently hold in common with John Edwards and Barack Obama. I had the least views in common with Hilary Clinton (again, surprise, surprise for people that have been in political discussions with me).

I think if this quiz could be extended over both parties' candidates, and made more in depth (say, 30 questions), it might be a really worthwhile guide to who should get my vote. That is, of course, if the quizmakers accurately represented the candidates' positions on the issues.

Who do you like in '08? Who do you dislike? And are you as tempted as I to say "None of the above, it's too freaking far before the election! Go do some real work and come back in a year!"


meredith said...

I, also, didn't match anyone's views in particular. And I agree it's way too early for this to be ramping up! If it's like this now, what in the world will it be like come convention time?!?!

Really, none of these candidates thrill me. I'm hoping someone amazing steps up, lest I be stuck again between the lesser of two "I couldn't care less."

Diana said...

Yeah, I pretty much match Obama on most things, but certainly not on everything. I'm kinda excited to be moving this summer as we are going to a state where the candidates actually visit and chat with "the people." One guy that I met last week had Kerry in his living room before the last election. Perhaps I could eat a pork tenderloin sandwich with one of them (just please not Kucinich--he doesn't seem like much fun).

deNile said...

It begins? Its as if it never ended. Come on, the primaries are 10 months away. Lets wait till fall before we even start talking about this.

Also my main question to all of the candidates is, who are you running against. Last time I checked the 20st amendment was still in play, so Bush will not win the 08 election.

Please let someone step up to the platform from the wings and sweep ALL of the current selections out of play (Fred Thompson anyone...at least he has the great lines form Hunt for Red October)
