
Thank you for your business.

So I got new business cards this week. I'm going to a conference near the end of this month, and as my academic admin job doesn't provide me with cards that say "lackey to an assortment of deans", I designed my own cards. One of my freelance jobs is as the production editor for an online journal, so I included that info, website, and my email on the business card.

The cards arrived on Wednesday in the mail and they looked pretty spiffy. I unwrapped them and the bug asked what they were. The conversation went something like this:

"What are those?"
"Business cards."
"Cards for playing?" (very hopeful)
"Cards for work."

Matt interrupted to say, "They're for your mama's other job."

"Not the job at school?"
"Nope. I also work as a writer and editor. These cards tell people about that job."
"You tell people stories?"
"Not quite. I give these cards to people who want to tell me stories. Then they use these cards to get in touch with me and send me what they write. Then I help them fix it up and make it better. And I put it on the computer so that lots of people can read it."
"Can I have one?"

She studies it very carefully. Long pause. Then, all at once:

"Thank you very much. This makes me feel better. I will tell you if I have a story to write." And she carried it off and put it in her stroller.

Apparently the new cards are already getting me high-quality submissions.


CyndiF said...

I made up business cards and never get to hand them out. Not big in the astronomy biz, sadly.

Staci said...

Don't forget to tell her about the other key use for business cards - winning free lunches! That would probably be really exciting to her as well :).