
A fond farewell to youth.

Well, sort of.

Tomorrow is the bug's last day at daycare. Her preschool starts on Wednesday. Today was the first day of classes on campus, as well. Although there's almost a calendar month to go until the official start of fall, the start of school is the real marker of the end of the season for many of us. I taught my first college class in five years today, but that's another post...

Two weekends ago we went up to Brainerd Lake and I got this great picture of the bug:

I just love the thought of her looking out over the water, into the future, looking at the ripples she's going to make in the big wide world.

A big hug to all of you on your "first days of school" this fall.

Shortly after this moment she sat down in the water and soaked her pants, by the way. It's not all rainbows and lollipops here, my readers.

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