
Overheard at breakfast.

I have run upstairs for the umptieth time of the morning to get something I forgot to put in my backpack. The bug is sitting at the kitchen table. Matt is making breakfast.

"Daddy, are you making toast for my friend?"

(Pause, while Matt considers the possible implications of a new imaginary companion)

"Who is your friend, bug?"

"Mommy is my friend."

"Yes, I'm making toast for your mommy."

"You're a good man. That's nice of you to take care of her."

I am not really seeking for my daughter to think of me as her "friend." That way madness lies, I believe, right past the "I can't be mean to her" and "Let's just do it to keep her quiet" warning signs. Still, this was a pretty sweet start to the morning. I especially love how she reinforces her father's positive and thoughtful behavior with compliments.

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