
post tag.

Jenni just tagged me and it's taken a few days to respond, but I'm on it now!

What I was doing 10 years ago:

In 1998 I was living in Haverford, Pennsylvania, going through the MA program in theatre at Villanova and working my butt off in the costume shop.  I became a most excellent thrift shopper, spending other people's money with style and usually coming in under budget. I upgraded my sewing skills from complete suckage to approaching adequacy in just under two years, and gained a lifelong admiration for people who can actually sew dresses out of velvet. I lived in a studio apartment that was the smallest place I've ever lived including dorm rooms, and walked to my second job at a coffeehouse and juice bar across the street on weekend mornings.  I spent the majority of my waking hours between 9 a.m. and midnight reading obscure plays, generating huge amounts of drama criticism, researching 1920's Broadway productions by female playwrights, and bitching and moaning with my fellow graduate students.  It was a really happy and productive time.

5 things on my to-do list today:
1) Finish up a report on our Culture Festival event.
2) Follow up with the vice-chancellor's office about an appointment.
3) Pick up the bug at 3 p.m. for snack, cuddle, and playtime.
4) Water the porch plants and pull weeds with bug as assistant gardener.
5) Get to tonight's performance by 6:30 p.m. for fight call.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1) Black-and-white cookies
2) Apples, grapes, or oranges--"desk fruit"
3) Granola bars
4) Chips and guacamole
5) Cheese and crackers

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1) Get a second house/ townhouse in Omaha to be closer to my family.
2) Get a third house/ townhouse in Madison to be closer to Matt's family.
3) Get an apartment in NYC because it would be cool. 
4) Pay off a lot of my friends' college debt and my family's mortgages.
5) Have fun giving money to my old schools with bizarre restrictions such as:
  • Creating scholarships only for feminist English/theatre majors, 
  • Endowing chairs which can be offered only to Ph.D. parents who have worked as adjuncts for at least two years after graduate school, 
  • Giving major gifts to schools that produce at least one new work per school year, on their mainstage, with a student director.
5 bad habits:
1) Closing the blinds upstairs for privacy, right after Matt opens the windows for fresh air
2) Wearing flip-flops to church because I haven't bought summer sandals yet
3) Leaving five minutes late for wherever I'm supposed to be next, just enough to feel rushed
4) Leaving important emails in my "drafts" instead of hitting "send"
5) Missing great theatre because I'm too lazy to drive all the way to Denver and babysitters and gas are expensive.

5 places I've lived:
1) South Sioux City, Nebraska
2) Omaha, Nebraska
3) Haverford, Pennsylvania
4) Boulder, Colorado
5) Tempe, Arizona

5 jobs I've had:
1) Mexican restaurant waitress/hostess/cook
2) Coffeehouse barista
3) Borders children's bookseller/ cafe worker/ storyteller
4) Indoor children's playground supervisor and birthday party organizer
5) Data analyst for human resources department

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