For reasons of mail speed, party suitability, and overcleanliness, the bug's birthday stretched out over three days this year. Here she is on the morning of her actual birthday:
We went out to breakfast at the Brewing Market and stopped for ice cream after school as part of her special day. A few presents were opened, but the U.S. Postal Service was late in delivering her two non-plastic-gifts-over-$5, even though they'd been in Denver since Monday according to the "track your package" on Amazon...sigh. Regardless, she enjoyed the jump rope quite a bit, and it's clear it's a skill she'll be working on for awhile:
Late into Friday night and early the next morning, we got ready for her birthday party, which we had at our house. Most of the other children at her school have birthday parties at various local museums, pavillions, art studios, and the like, but we decided to go for the traditional at-home, play-games, sugar-overload approach to 4. She had a lot of fun decorating with purple streamers and balloons, and helping make the pizza crusts and cupcakes. She had four little guests, two girls and two boys, and most of their parents stayed too:
In addition to Play-Doh madness, there was pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (now with stickers and no pins, for safety reasons, apparently--I tried to find an AUTHENTIC, possibly pain-filled, version but failed). Other games and organized activities were planned but it was really nice out and that all sort of fell apart and they mostly played in the backyard:

That was Saturday. On which I got a few phone calls from family who were wondering if we had opened her birthday presents yet. My side of the family tends to shop for Christmas in, oh, say, March, and they're already all done with their present-buying before it turns cold and they might have to shop in the snow. (I did NOT inherit this particular pre-buying trait and I'm usually still out on the day before picking up something for someone I forgot.)
Turns out the same thing happened with her birthday presents, and I'd put a bag of them away with the Christmas presents my parents delivered in late October when they visited. (See, I get too much into tidying, and I start misplacing things I didn't even know I had. There's probably an important lesson here.) So, Sunday morning the bug finished having a birthday and opening her last few gifts. I think this was optimal, actually--not the three-day birthday festival, but the slow discovery of new toys so she doesn't just have a big pile of stuff too overwhelming to play with. I hope four is an awesome year for her, and I know this is when she'll start having memories of childhood, so I'm looking forward to all the places we'll go.