
Mild state of shock.

The performance artist I wrote a dissertation chapter on, but never got to interview or meet, is coming to campus next Monday night.

I am rather in shock as the last major piece of hers I tried to write on was only performed outside the U.S. Most of her recent work seems to fall under the same category; she is truly an international artist, and I always thought it was unfortunate that it was so difficult to see her work in the U.S. since much of it critiques U.S. culture specifically. Her speaker's fees at the time I was trying to get in touch with her were beyond what I was able to fundraise on campus. I am surprised and thrilled that she's coming here.

It's been almost seven years since I've given her work serious thought and I'm not really up to date on her latest pieces, so I'll be extremely curious to hear her talk and see how it fits into the context of her earlier work, which I'm more familiar with. I know she's been doing a fair amount of work related to the War on Terror from her website, which is here.

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